Answering behavioural interview questions

Answering behavioural interview questions

about 1 year ago

When preparing for a job interview, you might research or think about the types of questions the interviewer will ask you. You’re sure to come across behavioural interview questions. It is important to understand the importance of behavioural interview questions and how they can help you stand out as a candidate. When selecting candidates, behavioural interview questions are an effective way for employers to evaluate work experience and style. By understanding these types of questions and preparing answers ahead of time, you can set yourself up for success during the hiring process.

What are behavioural interview questions?

Behavioural interview questions are designed to assess a candidate's work style, attitude, and past experiences. These types of questions focus on how you have reacted in the past when faced with certain situations or challenges. Employers may ask about specific incidents from your prior positions or general scenarios that could occur in the workplace. For example, an employer may ask: “Describe a time when you had to make a difficult decision. How did you go about making it?” These types of questions can be particularly useful for employers because they allow them to gain insight into how well candidates will handle tasks or challenges on the job. They also provide employers with evidence that their potential hires possess specific skills and qualifications that will benefit their organization. By asking these kinds of open-ended questions, employers can get a better idea if this is the right person for the job at hand.

In order to answer behavioural interview questions successfully, it is important for job seekers in Malta to prepare ahead of time by researching common interview topics such as teamwork and leadership roles as well as any possible issues related to their desired position. Job seekers should think through various scenarios they might face on the new job so they have concrete examples ready when answering these types of queries during an interview process. Additionally, practicing answers out loud can help ensure responses are clear and concise while still providing enough detail about one's experience and qualifications for consideration by hiring managers. Job seekers should also care not just about what information they include but also how they present themselves during interviews as body language and tone often reveal more than words alone do; thus, demonstrating confidence without arrogance is key.

What are the benefits of asking behavioural interview questions?

Behavioural interview questions can provide employers with insight into how candidates may handle certain situations on the job, as well as their overall work style. By understanding these types of questions and preparing answers ahead of time, job seekers in Malta can give themselves a competitive edge during the hiring process. Behavioural interview questions also allow employers to assess a candidate's experience and qualifications for the position they are seeking. This helps ensure that they hire someone who is truly capable of performing in the role and has what it takes to be successful within their organization. Finally, behavioural interview questions help employers determine if a potential employee will fit company culture and values since their responses often reflect their attitudes towards teamwork, responsibility, problem-solving skills, etc., all of which play an important part in creating & maintaining successful businesses!

Common behavioural interview questions

 “Explain a time when you worked closely with someone whose personality differed greatly.”

- Most jobs require you to work with others. Be prepared to talk about your experience in a team environment.

“Give me an example of a time you were able to be creative with your work. What was exciting or difficult about it?”

- Interviewers often ask questions that may appear unrelated but can actually inform them about what drives you. Your answer should explicitly demonstrate your values and ambitions, even if the question did not call for it directly.

“Describe a time when you managed multiple projects. How did you handle that?”

- If an interviewer asks about time management, explain a time when you prioritized, scheduled, organized, and met deadlines.

A sample answer could sound like,

“Being part of an early-stage startup entailed a lot of different responsibilities for me. One minute I was networking to build up our team, then the next I'd be consulting with potential customers, and after that discussing product plans with my cofounders. Constantly transitioning from job to job caused quite a bit of stress. But eventually, I realized that it wasn't multitasking itself which distressed me - it was frequently changing gears too rapidly. So I decided to allot specific blocks of time to each task - recruiting, sales and product respectively - so that I could stay focused on one area at any given moment instead. Once I discovered this approach works best for juggling multiple tasks, life as an entrepreneur became much more bearable.”

Before your next interview, make sure to prepare. Think about common interview questions, and have your answers ready.

Utilize the STAR method. Every answer you give should describe the Situation, Task, Action, and Result.

Situation. Give some background information about your experience.

Task. Explain the task you were given.

Action. Describe what you did to solve the problem.

Result. Share the outcome and any lessons learned.

Lastly, practice. Practice makes perfect, and you’re going to want to practice before your interview. Practice saying your answers out loud.


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